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Wall Street Uncut - Unconventional Financial Interviews
Wall Street Uncut with Dave Allman
goes where most on Wall Street wouldn’t
dare—past the numbers and into the minds
of some of the financial industry’s best,
brightest and most original thinkers.
Dave Allman
Dave AllmanDave Allman was born in a log cabin in a small town in Illinois, where he chopped wood for an hour before he walked six miles in the snow to a little one-room schoolhouse. Oh wait sorry, that was someone else. Dave Allman began learning about the business cycle at age 11 working summers in a family business (not his family) on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey, occasionally selling lingerie to some very attractive ladies who danced at a club down the street (in hindsight, Dave's pretty sure they were guys). At 19, Dave graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in mathematics. He bought his first house the next year just outside of Atlantic City. The casino gambling referendum passed six months later. Within 2 years, real estate prices had boomed, the gambling stocks went vertical and Dave no longer aspired to an exciting career as an actuary.

Dave has worked closely with Bob Prechter since 1983. He has lectured around the globe on the application of the Wave Principle, Fibonacci relationships and investor psychology, and taught advanced classes on Elliott to hundreds of investors. With a modicum of luck, he’ll conduct entertaining and/or informative interviews.

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